I am finally sitting, with my feet up, and experiencing something I feel I haven't had in 9 months - time. Like most teachers, this year was one of survival. I didn't find myself with much time to build resources outside of those I needed for class or as a coach. Between my three sections of AP Lang, coaching, planning advisory for the school, taking on yearbook when another teacher resigned, and all the other things that fell into my lap this year, I felt in a constant state of hyperproductivity. I started every day with my list of Must-Dos and May-Dos and dug in until the end of the day. By the end of these days, I was ultimately exhausted. There wasn't much capacity for anything more. That said, I am happy to share that I did complete one big task: my yearlong bell ringer pack. That's over 190 bell ringers, aligned to all 22 of the AP Lang learning targets / essential skills. A little bit here and there, I created 22 individual packs, as well as the full set. Now, as usual, the bell ringer pack is available in my TpT store, but also per usual, I wanted to share some here for any readers or supporters. Below are four of the 22 packs. And immediately as posted these items, my mine is spinning as I consider what is next. Previously, I mentioned that I would like to create assessments for each of the learning targets. As I am auditing my own class assessments, this might be a good way to offer more choice to my students. But we'll see! For now, please consider purchasing my bell ringers. I am excited to use them to break up our block periods next year.
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February 2024
AuthorSteph Cwikla has been a teacher since 2012, focusing on ELA curriculum. Now, she also works as an instructional coach, helping other teachers improve engagement and instruction. |